Academic Standing Scenarios
Scenario One:
"Student has just completed their first year at Southern and has a cumulative GPA of 2.4"
Explanation: This student is in Good Standing because their cumulative GPA is 2.0 or above.
Scenario Two:
"After completing their first semester at Southern, student was placed on Academic Warning with a cumulative GPA of 1.9. After earning high grades during their second semester, they were able to raise their cumulative GPA to a 2.2 and get back into Good Standing."
Explanation: This student is in Good Standing because their cumulative GPA is 2.0 or above.
Scenario One:
"Student just completed their first semester at Southern and has a cumulative GPA of 1.8, putting them on Academic Warning."
Explanation: This student is on Academic Warning because this is the first semester in which their cumulative GPA has fallen below 2.0.
Scenario Two:
"Student has just completed their third semester at Southern. After their first two semesters, they had a cumulative GPA of 2.1 and were in Good Standing. However, after completing their third semester with poor grades, their cumulative GPA has dropped to 1.9, putting them on Academic Warning."
Explanation: This student is on Academic Warning because they have just moved from being in Good Standing (2.0 or above) to having a cumulative GPA below a 2.0.
Scenario Three:
"After completing their first semester at Southern, student was placed on Academic Warning with a cumulative GPA of 1.9. After earning high grades during their second semester, they were able to raise their cumulative GPA to a 2.2 and get back into Good Standing. However, their grades declined during their third semester and their cumulative GPA fell to a 1.8...putting them on Academic Warning."
Explanation: This student is on Academic Warning because they have just moved from being in Good Standing (2.0 or above) to having a cumulative GPA below a 2.0. Even though they have previously been on Academic Warning, they were able to get back into Good Standing but then fell below the 2.0 mark again.
Scenario One:
"Student completed their first semester at Southern with a cumulative GPA of 1.7 and was placed on Academic Warning. After completing their second semester, their were not able to improve their grades and their cumulative GPA remained 1.7, putting them on Academic Probation."
Explanation: This student is on Academic Probation because they were not able to raise their cumulative GPA to 2.0 or above while on Academic Warning.
Scenario Two:
"After completing their first year at Southern, student is on Academic Probation with a cumulative GPA of 1.5. During their third semester, they earn a semester GPA of 2.7...raising their cumulative GPA to 1.9. This student will continue on Academic Probation for a second consecutive semester."
Explanation: This student will continue on Academic Probation for a second semester because their cumulative GPA is still below a 2.0 but their semester GPA was a 2.3 or higher.
If this student earned a semester GPA below a 2.3, they would have been Academically Dismissed.
Scenario One:
"After completing their first year at Southern, student is on Academic Probation with a cumulative GPA of 1.5. During their third semester, they earn a semester GPA of 2.2...raising their cumulative GPA to 1.7. This student will be Academically Dismissed."
Explanation: This student has been Academically Dismissed because their cumulative GPA is still below a 2.0 and their semester GPA was below 2.3.
If this student earned a semester GPA of 2.3 or higher but maintained a cumulative GPA below 2.0, they would have continued on Academic Probation.
If this student earned a semester GPA of 2.3 or higher and raised their cumulative GPA to 2.0 or higher, they would have been back in Good Standing.
Scenario Two:
"Student has just completed their third consecutive semester on Academic Probation. During that semester, they earned a semester GPA of 2.4. However, their cumulative GPA is now a 1.9. This student will be Academically Dismissed."
Explanation: This student has been Academically Dismissed because their cumulative GPA was still below 2.0 after their third consecutive semester on Academic Probation.
If this student was able to raise their cumulative GPA to 2.0 or higher, they would have been back in Good Standing.