As an undergraduate student at Southern, your academic standing is evaluated at the end of each fall and spring semester and is based on your cumulative GPA (excluding transfer courses). The information presented on this website is intended to help you understand the four levels of academic standing (Good Standing, Warning, Probation and Dismissal) and provide information regarding support available to you.
The official academic standing policy can be found in the "academic standards" section of the undergraduate catalog.
Helpful Definitions:
Term GPA - Your GPA for a specific semester only.
Cumulative GPA - Your overall GPA, which is the average of all of your semester GPAs (excluding transfer courses).
Earned Hours (Credits) - Credits for all courses in which a passing grade was received (A, B+, B-, P, etc)
Attempted Hours (Credits) - Credits for ALL courses, whether a passing grade (A, B+, B-, P, etc) was received or not (W, F).