Tobacco-Free Conference

Beyond the Smoke: Connecticut Collegiate Cannabis and Nicotine Symposium
June 11th, 2024
Central Connecticut State University
Constitution Room, 1615 Stanley St, New Britain, CT 06050
Explore prevention and harm reduction strategies with fellow Connecticut college health professionals and learn from experts in the field. Lunch provided.
Keynote Speaker
Jason Kilmer, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
University of Washington School of Medicine
Danielle Davis, Ph.D
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry
Yale School of Medicine
Learning Objectives
- Goal of this presentation is to increase understanding current trends in nicotine/tobacco and cannabis product use among adolescents (high schoolers) and young adults (college students) including what products these populations are using, how they are using them, and reasons these products are being used. Will learn differences in trends of use of both of these products.
- Goal of this presentation is to learn about the impact of nicotine and cannabis products on the developing brain and the unknowns about product use in this population. Will discuss general health effects educators can communicate to youth/young adults.
- Goal of this presentation is to increase knowledge about the regulation (or lack thereof) of these products and the potential health effects that come from lack of regulation.
Jason Kilmer
Ph.D. Associate Professor
Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
University of Washington School of Medicine
The science related to cannabis use continues to grow with clear findings related to cognitive impacts, sleep quality, mental health, and other domains of relevance and importance to college students. In this presentation, we will review the findings referenced above, discuss what it means to approach prevention efforts with a harm reduction lens, and consider a mix of strategies for the campus community.
- Objective 1: Participants will be able to identify a screening measure for Cannabis Use Disorder
- Objective 2: Participants will be able to describe at least 3 risks/outcomes associated with cannabis use by college students
- Objective 3: Participants will be able to identify at least 2 prevention opportunities related to cannabis and college students.
Speaker Bio
Dr. Jason Kilmer is an Associate Professor in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Washington (UW) School of Medicine and an Adjunct Associate Professor in Psychology at UW. Jason serves as an investigator on several studies evaluating prevention and intervention efforts for alcohol, cannabis, and other drug use by college students. In addition to research and teaching, he has worked extensively with college students and student groups around alcohol and other drug prevention programming and presentations throughout his career both at UW and on over 140 campuses across the nation.
For questions, please reach out to Victoria Adams, Tobacco Program Coordinator.