Career and Internships
In the Office of Career and Professional Development, we know parents and family members are a critical component for ensuring students have a successful career journey in college. As students begin their journey at Southern, there are important core concepts to understand to help ensure a positive experience!

There is a difference between a job and a career.
While a job is focused on a short-term occupation or position, a career is a life-long journey combing personal values, professional skills, and a variety of other factors. Most adults need assistance in understanding career planning during the young adult years. It is important to ground the idea of a career being a long-term process that takes time to achieve.
College students may change or evolve through multiple career choices throughout their collegiate career.
As students become more aware of the opportunities available to them, they may need time to talk about their options and make a decision for themselves. It is important to encourage individuals to do so.
Each student will have their own career decision-making process during their collegiate career.
Students start across the spectrum when it comes to career decision-making skill sets. For some individuals they begin college with no understanding of what interests them professionally; for others, they have a clear vision and need help to achieve it. Regardless of where your student is, encourage them that they have the potential and capability to make a positive decision for themselves.
Every student will have their own definition of success.
Many students have a variety of goals they are looking to achieve--including employment, going to graduate or professional school, starting their own business, and more. Success outcomes are defined towards the end of college.
Learn tips on how to assist your student in their career development.
Visit the Office of Career and Professional Development.
The Office of Career & Professional Development
Buley Library
(203) 392-6539