Associate or Full Professor - Nursing (2 Positions)
Department: Nursing
Rank: Associate/Full
Specialization(s): Nursing Education
Search Nos. 19-021 & 19-022 (Two Positions)
Located in historic New Haven, a city rich in art and culture, Southern Connecticut State University is a diverse and student-centered university dedicated to academic excellence, access, and service for the public good. Southern provides a supportive and welcoming environment for all members of its community through a campus wide commitment to social justice. SCSU is a flourishing community of approximately 10,000 students, located less than three miles from downtown New Haven, with easy access to New York and Boston.
Brief Description of Duties/Responsibilities:
Southern invites applications from individuals who believe in the mission of public higher education and are committed to outstanding teaching and scholarship/creative activity. Successful candidates will be disciplinary scholars devoted to a student-centric approach.
The School of Nursing is seeking to fill two full-time tenure track positions to begin August 2020. Primary responsibilities will be teaching across the curriculum with specialization preference in nursing education and community/global health. Faculty are assigned a 12-credit hour load each semester. Credit may be earned through teaching courses at the undergraduate and/or graduate level, direct and/or indirect clinical supervision, laboratory instruction, and through thesis/special project/dissertation advisement. In addition to classroom and clinical teaching responsibilities, faculty are expected to engage in scholarship/creative activity, student advisement, service, and professional attendance/participation in activities reflective of professional expertise.
The vision of the School of Nursing at Southern Connecticut State University is to be a center of excellence and innovation in nursing education. Our mission is to prepare nursing graduates to practice, educate, and lead within an evolving, complex world. This is accomplished by: (a) discovering and applying the science of nursing and related disciplines in the pursuit of excellence and innovation, through scholarship and lifelong learning; (b) preparing graduates to incorporate professional standards to provide safe, evidence-based and compassionate care of the highest quality to diverse populations; and (c) providing the foundation for students to develop professionally in order to optimize their contributions within the context of inter-professional practice.
Required Qualifications:
- Master’s degree in nursing, earned research based doctorate (PhD, DNSc, EdD, or other comparable research degree).
- Current Connecticut RN or APRN license (or eligible).
- Substantial teaching experience at the graduate level in an institute of higher education.
- Experience with integrating technology into teaching and/or facilitating on-line instruction.
- Excellent oral and written communication skills.
- Demonstrated record of scholarship/creative activity, leadership, and capacity to secure external funding commensurate at the level of associate or full professor level.
Preferred Qualifications:
- Experience in dissertation, thesis or special project advisement at the Master’s and/or doctoral level.
- Certification as a Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL).
- Certification as a Certified Nurse Educator (CNE).
- Experience in serving as a coordinator and/or director of undergraduate or graduate programs.
- Demonstrated ability to mentor faculty in student-centered teaching strategies, curriculum related activities and ongoing professional development.
Application Process:
Please submit electronically a letter of interest, current curriculum vitae, official graduate transcripts, and at least three references with email and phone contact information to: Search Committee Chairperson, School of Nursing at NURsearch1@southernct.edu. Best consideration will be given to complete applications received by October 1, 2019. The position will remain open until filled.
SCSU is an Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity employer. The University seeks to enhance the diversity of its faculty and staff. People of color, women, veterans, and persons with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply.