Philosophy News

December 2023

Professor Chelsea Harry publishes new book on Women in Philosophy!

Chelsea Harry book

Congratulations to Southern Connecticut State University Professor Chelsea Harry on the recent publication of her new book "Exploring the Contributions of Women in the History of Philosophy, Science, and Literature, Throughout Time" which is a part of the Springer Nature Group series "Women in the History of Philosophy and Sciences".

In collaboration with George N. Vlahakis, this book explores contributions by some of the most influential women in the history of philosophy, science, and literature. Anyone interested in coming to know or in preparing to teach women in the history of philosophy, science, and literature will appreciate this collection and its myriad insights into the still unrecognized voices of non-canonical sources across these disciplines.

November 2023

Department Chair Professor David Pettigrew speaks at Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences!

David Pettigrew

Southern Connecticut State University Department Chair David Pettigrew delivered a presentation at the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences entitled "The Specter of the ‘Russian World’ in the Balkans".

Faculty from SCSU, Yale University, Quinnipiac University, Wesleyan University and UConn, along with other esteemed guests, academy members, friends, and family listened to Dr. Pettigrew's presentation and enjoyed a wonderful meal in the beautiful Elm City Club.

For more information about CAAS, please click the link below.

October 2023

Professor Armen Marsoobian opens gallery exhibition in Greece!

Professor Armen Marsoobian

Southern Connecticut State University Philosophy Professor, and Editor-In-Chief of our Metaphilosophy journal, Armen Marsoobian recently opened an exhibition at the Museum of Byzantine Culture | Μουσε?ο Βυζαντινο? Πολιτισμο? which will be running until February 2024.

Along with co-curator Ioannis Motsianos, the exhibition presents the odyssey of an Armenian family, the Dildilians, many of whose members first worked as photographers in Ottoman Turkey. The exhibition draws upon the Dildilian family archive, consisting of thousands of photographs, glass negatives, drawings, artwork, documents, letters, and family heirlooms. The exhibition texts are based upon written memoirs and oral interviews produced by multiple generations of the family.

Moreover, an important part of the exhibition consists of photographs and documents from the collection of Anatolia College, mostly from the early years in Marsovan, Anatolia. The exhibition was curated by Armen T. Marsoobian, the grandson of Tsolag Dildilian, the founding photographer of the family business, in collaboration with Ioannis Motsianos, curator and Efthymia Papasotiriou, architect, Museum of Byzantine Culture.

Coproduction: Museum of Byzantine Culture, Anatolia College

Support: Honorary Consulate of Armenia in Thessaloniki, Armenian Community of Thessaloniki

For more information, opening times, and more - please visit Photo Biennale

July 2023

Department Chair, David E. Pettigrew named Connecticut State University Professor!

Professor in and blurred academic quad background

The Philosophy department would like to proudly announce the appointment of David Pettigrew as our new Chairperson. In addition to Dr. Pettigrew's longstanding achievements in human rights and genocide studies, this month he was recognized with one of most prestigious faculty recognition awards given by the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities (CSCU) System.

Congratulations, David! - You can read more about the announcement here.


Dr. Chelsea Harry speaks at Aristotle-Confucius Symposium on Ethics for the 21st Century

A woman standing in front of an ancient Greek building

Early in July, Dr. Chelsea Harry represented SCSU Philosophy at the 2023 Aristotle-Confucius Symposium for Ethics in the 21st Century organized by the UN Sustainable Solutions Network. Dr. Harry spoke on topics including the wisdom Aristotle's biology can offer contemporary environmental issues at the Academy of Athens, and on what Aristotle's zoology can teach us about the importance of pursuing multidisciplinary research to address contemporary problems at ancient mieza, the ancient site where Aristotle taught Alexander the Great in Northern Greece.   

You can read more about the Aristotle-Confucius Symposium here.


Retiring Professor, Ken Gatzke honored at Dunkin' Park

A man standing in the middle of a baseball field

On Sunday July 23, Southern Professor Ken Gatzke was named Educator of the Game by The Hartford Yard Goats and Capital City Education Alliance. Professor Gatzke threw the first pitch of the game, which was attended by SCSU Philosophy faculty and friends. rofessor Ken Gatzke began teaching at SCSU in 1970! After 52 years, at the time of his retirement this year, he is our longest serving Professor. Professor Gatzke served as Chairperson of the Philosophy Department for two decades. While at SCSU, among his many achievements, he was a co-creator of the SCSU Honors college and its first director in 1980.  He taught the Philosophy of Education course required for Education majors, and so, over the years, he has literally educated generations of teachers in Connecticut.  He often said that being a professional baseball player would be the best job in the world, and he is a lifelong Chicago Cubs fan… Our congratulations on his retirement.

Past Events

Congratulations to Prof. Chelsea Harry

Honored with the Board of Regents Research Award (Campus and System Winner!)

Prof. Chelsea Harry Regents Award

Alfred University appoints Beth Ann Dobie provost, vice president of Academic Affairs. Available at Alfred University News and at The Evening Tribune