Mental Health Support
College is a rollercoaster for many students as it comes with challenges, setbacks, and frustration. We know sometimes they may need some extra support or a space to just let it out. Counseling Services is a great place to do so! It is free for all students and completely confidential. They offer mental health support, individual and group counseling, as well as medication and referrals to other offices.

What does Counseling Services offer?
While we are all excited about our student's growth in college, we also know that sometimes this growth comes with some growing pains, challenges, and setbacks. These struggles are common and understandable, and support is available. Counseling Services has trained professional counselors ready to assist your students in resolving personal problems, improving their mental health and wellbeing, and performing at their best. Counseling Services are free and fully confidential!
Students simply need to call (203)-392-5475 to schedule an appointment, stop by the office in Engelman B 219.
Learn more about the services.