From the President, re: Strategic Action Planning Process

May 16, 2023

Dear Southern Community,

As we enter the final weeks of the academic year, this is an important moment to remind our community about the work we have engaged in concerning our strategic action planning process. My office established the President's Strategic Advisory Council (PSAC) earlier this year to serve as an extended cabinet to the presidency. This group has met throughout spring semester to shape strategy in the effort of helping the university move forward during these challenging times. The PSAC was also empowered with the responsibility to operationalize, in a specific way, the priorities of the university. These six priorities reflect the institution's core values and came about as a result of a months-long process of engaging the campus community. They are:

  • Advancing Social Justice and Anti-Racism
  • Maintaining Academic Excellence
  • Driving Enrollment
  • Ensuring Student Success
  • Engaging our Community and Expanding our Reach
  • Achieving a Sustainable Future

With the assistance of consultants from the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU), the PSAC (complete roster below) has developed an outline for specific action items, processes, and outcomes associated with each of the 6 priorities. This work will continue through the summer and be synthesized into a 3-year Strategic Action Planning document that will be introduced to the Southern community early in fall semester (23'). At that point, the Office of the President will host a series of forums, facilitated by our AASCU consultants, to solicit feedback from the Southern community.

Although my tenure at Southern is near its conclusion, I want to emphasize how critical this strategic action plan will be for Southern. This is particularly important given the rapid pace of change and uncertainty concerning fiscal matters. My successor, Dr. Dwayne Smith, has been engaged with the Southern community since the announcement of his appointment. He understands the weight and magnitude of the situation. I am confident that under President Smith’s leadership, Southern will emerge stronger as a result of this process.

I thank you in advance for your active participation and support of an effort that is crucial to Southern’s long-term health, and ultimately, our students’ success.


Joe Bertolino


President's Strategic Advisory Council (PSAC)

Barbara Cook
Associate Professor – Communication Disorders

Benjamin Abugri
MBA Director and Professor of Finance

Bruce Kalk
Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences

Chris Barker
Director of Athletics

Colleen Bielitz
Assoc. VP - Strategic Initiatives & Outreach

David Pettigrew
Professor, Philosophy

Dennis Reiman
Chief Information Officer

Diane Ariza
Vice President - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Elliott Horch
Chairperson (Dept. Physics) & CSU Professor

Helen Marx
Assoc. Professor / Faculty Director, Undergrad. Academic Advising

Jes Kraus
Chief Human Resources Officer

Jess Boronico
Dean of the School of Business

Joe Bertolino

Judite Vamvakides
Assoc. VP - Institutional Advancement

Jules Tetreault
Dean of Student Affairs

Julia Irwin
Interim Dean of Graduate & Professional Studies

Julie Edstrom
Vice President - Enrollment Management

Junhong “Emma” Wang
Assoc. Professor, Marketing

KC Councilor
Professor of Communications & Media Studies

Kelvin Rutledge
Assoc. VP - Institutional Inclusive Strategies & Change Management

Kenneth McGill
Professor, Anthropology

Laurie Bonjo
Assoc. Professor Counseling & School Psychology

Loren Loomis Hubbell
University Controller

Manohar Singh
Dean of Graduate & Professional Studies

Mark Rozewski
Vice President - Finance and Administration

Mary Boudreaux
Assoc. Professor, Educational Leadership

Meredith Sinclair
Director - Undergraduate Curriculum Forum (UCF)

Michael Kingan
Vice President - Institutional Advancement

Michael Sormrude
Professor, Biology

Miriah Kelly
Assistant Professor, Environment, Geography, and Marine Sciences

Nilvio Perez
Director of Admissions

Patrick Crowley
Library Services

Patrick Dilger
Director of Communications & Marketing

Robert Prezant

Rusty May
Director for Technology Administration

Sandra Bulmer
Dean of College of Health and Human Services

Stephen Hegedus
Dean of the College of Education

Thierry Thesatus
Assoc. Dean of Career and Student Success

Thomas Kealy
ACE Fellow

Tracy Tyree
Vice President - Student Affairs

Trudy Milburn
Assoc. VP – Academic Affairs